This is one of the projects I worked on for Faycrest Studios. The game takes place across multiple islands, and one of my goals on the team was to make each island feel unique and visually separate from the others. This building here is the town hall of the first island’s main village. Despite being the “first island”, I was working on the architecture for this island after beginning the architecture design for the Noble City which takes place on the second island.

To keep the architecture visually distinct across islands, I chose to combine Irish and Tudor architecture together to create this new design. There are ruined buildings scattered around this island, so I included a sketch of how the architecture could degrade over time.

I took a screenshot of the building blockout in engine and began sketching on top of it. We were tossing around the idea of having grass and plants growing on the roofs of the buildings, so I experimented with what that could look like.


Solita Elemental Tesseract